11 January 2015

Second Term

Week One of Term Two is now over, and Christmas holidays are a quickly fading memory.  I am reminded of my feeling at the end of week one of term one when I was overwhelmed with all of the assignments that I was going to have to do over the course of the term.  But I can learn from last term that everything will get done in time, and that panicking will not make it any better.  One class at a time,  one reading at a time, one week at a time, one assignment at a time.

It's all new courses - this term I am taking:

  • Supervised Field Education.  Yep, I get to do a placement for the next 3 terms at a real live church.  Except my supervisor is out of the country until the 19th, so I don't really get to start until he is back.  Today, I went to the Sunday morning service there - my initial impression was of a beautiful space filled with friendly people.
  • Worship Foundations.  Pretty self-explanatory, I think.
  • United Church Doctrine.  This one is interesting in that the evaluation is a choose-your-own-adventure.  We were given a list of possible assignments, and we get to choose what we want to do in order to make up a total of 100%.
  • Wisdom Literature.  A look at the books of Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Ruth, Job, and Song of Songs - all of the fun books in the Old Testament!
  • Biblical Foundations - Matthew and Method.  Last term was part one of Biblical Foundations (Old Testament), this term we get the second part.  One of our initial assignments is to learn the Greek alphabet - finally my science background is coming in handy, as I already recognize and can name most of the letters.  We've been joking that I could have fun with transliteration assignments if I do them by substituting the mathematical/scientific meaning rather than the English letter…

(this term's textbooks, minus 2 - one has been shipped and should arrive tomorrow, 
and one I am waiting on the St. Mary's bookstore)


  1. How exciting......a placement! I'm sure you will love it - and I'm positive they WILL LOVE YOU ��

  2. You are not alone my friend. I always find that the first 10 school days (aka first 2 weeks) are always overwhelming and my mind is just a blur. But alas, once you begin there is no stopping...until we get to stop in April! :) Looking forward to journeying with you again this term :) Blessings

  3. p.s. should we plan a dinner date now before the semester explodes?
